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Tree Care Tips

Make a Fresh Cut
With the proper care, the perfect tree you have selected will stay green and healthy throughout the holidays, minimizing clean-up and maximizing the joy of your holiday. Here are a few tips:

  • Make a fresh cut on the bottom of the tree to open up the pores, which have been clogged by sap. Cut off at least one-half inch. If you do not make a fresh cut, the tree will not be able to drink water.

  • After the cut is made, put the tree in water as soon as possible. The longer the time between when the tree is given a fresh cut and when it is put into water, the less ability the tree has to absorb water.

  • Rinse water reservoir of the tree stand with a mixture of one capful of bleach and one cup of water before inserting the tree. This reduces the growth of micro-organisms that can block the tree's ability to absorb water. Be careful to avoid spilling or splashing the bleach on carpeting, etc.

  • Place the tree in a sturdy stand, which will hold at least one gallon of water after the tree has been placed in it. Fill with plain water.

  • If the tree is not going into the house soon after purchase, it should be stored in a bucket of warm water on a cool porch or patio away from wind and sun in warm climates, and protected from freezing temperatures and wind in cold climates.

  • An average tree may consume between one quart and one gallon of water per day. If the water level drops below the cut end of the trunk, a seal will form and no more water will be absorbed by the tree unless another fresh cut is made. So don't forget to add water every day.

Tree Safety

LED Lights Produce Minimum Heat
The new LED lights us use far less electricity so they produce almost no heat which reduces the drying effect upon a tree. Always check light sets for frayed or cracked wire insulation and broken sockets before placing them on a tree.

Keys to a healthy tree and safe Christmas:

  • Water Regularly!
  • Always turn off the lights of your tree when leaving the house or retiring for the night.
  • Never use lighted candles.
  • Do not attempt to repair a worn light set. Throw it away and buy a new set.
  • Place the tree away from heat sources such as heating vents, fireplaces, wood stoves and fireplace inserts, radiators, television sets or sunny windows. 
  • Remove the tree promptly after the holiday. Check your local chipping and composting program with the parks and recreation department, local nursery or service organization.
  • Never burn any part of a Christmas tree in a wood stove or fireplace!

Purchase/Display Tips

The purchase of a Christmas tree marks the beginning of the joyous holiday season. Consider the following tips for making the event a lasting and memorable tradition:

  • Be sure you know what size (height and width) you need before heading to the retail lot. Smaller trees can make a great tabletop display for smaller apartments or condos.
  • Do a freshness test on the trees. Look for green needles that have a wonderful, Christmas tree smell.
  • Look for other indicators of dryness or deterioration: excessive needle loss, discolored foliage, musty odor, needle pliability and wrinkled bark. A good rule of thumb is, when in doubt about the freshness of a tree, select another one. If none of the trees on the lot look fresh, go to another lot.
  • Involve the whole family in the selecting process. 


Recycling your tree helps protect the environment and keep your community a beautiful place in which to live.

  • Real Christmas trees are recyclable and can be used throughout the community.
  • Recycled trees can be turned into corrugated packaging, compost for gardens or used as mulch along park trails to prevent erosion. Some conservation organizations use recycled Christmas trees to create protected habitats for wildlife, such as herons or endangered fish.
  • offers complete listings of where to recycle real Christmas trees, which can be turned into beneficial products for use throughout the community.